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Camino 1.6 Alpha 1 Released!

Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 10:00am PDT by Samuel Sidler

After months of hard work following the release of Camino 1.5, the Camino Project is proud to announce the first preview release of Camino 1.6.

Camino 1.6 Alpha 1 contains several enhancements that build upon the great features in Camino 1.5, including improved tabbed browsing, better AppleScript support, and built-in software update for release builds.

For more information and to download please visit our preview site.


Camino 1.5.4 Released

Posted on Thursday, December 1, 2007 at 2:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

We’ve just released Camino 1.5.4, a maintenance release which contains various security and stability updates to Camino 1.5.3. All users are urged to update.

In addition, Camino 1.5.4 is being released in the following localizations:

  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Download Camino 1.5.4 in English or its multilingual version now.


Now Accepting Donations

Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 3:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

The Camino Project is pleased to announce that we’re now accepting donations.

Up until now, when someone asked how they could contribute to the Camino Project, we directed them to our Contribute page here on our website. However, this leaves out those without time on their hands to participate in the development, quality assurance, or localizing of Camino. (Of course, everyone can promote Camino. Please do!)

Today, that’s changed.

Through the Mozilla Foundation, we’re now able to accept tax-deductible donations that will go toward the development and advancement of Camino. What’s more, through the end of the year the Mozilla Foundation will match 2 to 1 every dollar donated (up to $10,000). Donating now makes your dollar go three times as far as it normally would. You can read more about their new directed giving program from Frank Hecker’s blog post.

We want to thank the Mozilla Foundation for making this possible and thank any users who donate to Camino. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.


Camino 1.5.3 Released

Posted on Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 5:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

It hasn’t been long since we released Camino 1.5.2, but we’ve just released Camino 1.5.3, a maintenance release which contains an important web compatibility update to Camino 1.5.2. All users are urged to update.

In addition, Camino 1.5.3 is being released in the following localizations:

  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Download Camino 1.5.3 in English or its multilingual version now.


Camino 1.5.2 Released

Posted on Friday, October 19, 2007 at 8:00am PDT by Samuel Sidler

We’ve just released Camino 1.5.2, a maintenance release which contains various security and stability updates to Camino 1.5.1. All users are urged to update.

In addition, Camino 1.5.2 is being released in the following localizations:

  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Download Camino 1.5.2 in English or its multilingual version now.


Camino 1.0.6 Released

Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 2:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

Today the Camino Project is releasing Camino 1.0.6, the final security and stability release of the Camino 1.0.x series. This release is designed only for our users on Mac OS X 10.2.8; users of Mac OS X 10.3 or higher should use Camino 1.5.1. Since Camino 1.5.1 no longer supports Mac OS X 10.2.8, Camino 1.0.6 is the final release for our users on 10.2. We wish you well, and we hope to see you again when you next upgrade your OS or get a new Mac.

You might recall that when we released Camino 1.0.5, we called it the final release in the 1.0.x series. Unforunately, 1.0.5 shipped with a bug that rendered Camino unable to submit login forms on 10.2. We’d like to apologize to all our 10.2 users for releasing 1.0.5 with such a critical bug. We’ve corrected the bug and have done some extensive testing on 10.2 to ensure that 1.0.6 is a quality final release for Mac OS X 10.2.

Camino 1.0.6 is available in English and Multilingual versions. The multilingual version includes the following languages:

  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • French
  • German
  • German (Schweizer)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish


Camino 1.5.1 Released

Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 2:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

We’ve just released Camino 1.5.1, a maintenance release which contains various security and stability updates to Camino 1.5. All users are urged to update.

In addition, Camino 1.5.1 is being released in the following localizations:

  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Download Camino 1.5.1 in English or its multilingual version now.


Camino’s Mission

Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 9:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

On June 16th and 17th, just after WWDC, Camino held its first ever in-person meet-up. We’d like to thank the Mozilla Corporation for hosting this event at their headquarters and for providing lunch both days.

The very first order of business was, quite possibly, the most important. Since Camino’s inception as Chimera, we haven’t articulated our mission as well as we could have. Our first goal at this meet-up was to identify a clear, concise mission statement to publish to our users and contributors.

To start, we know a lot about what we aren’t and what we don’t want to be. We aren’t a general purpose internet utility. We’re not an RSS reader or an email client. We’re not striving to be everything to everyone. We’re not a Mac version of Firefox or, simply, Firefox with Aqua controls. We’re not Steve Jobs’ web browser. We’re also not a development platform, web or otherwise.

Keeping all this in mind, and building on it, we came up with the following mission statement:

Camino is an open source web browser developed with a focus on providing the best possible experience for Mac OS X users.

You’ll see this mission statement here on our website soon. This isn’t a change from what we’ve been doing for years, merely an articulation of the philosophy that has always defined Camino.

I’ll be blogging more about the meet-up in the near future. Check out Camino Planet for more of the latest Camino happenings.


Camino 1.0.5 Released

Posted on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 6:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

Today the Camino Project is releasing Camino 1.0.5, the final security and stability release of the Camino 1.0.x series. This release is designed only for our users on Mac OS X 10.2.8; users of Mac OS X 10.3 or higher should use Camino 1.5. Since Camino 1.5 no longer supports Mac OS X 10.2.8, Camino 1.0.5 is the final release for our users on 10.2. We wish you well, and we hope to see you again when you next upgrade your OS or get a new Mac.

Camino 1.0.5 is available in English and Multilingual versions. The Multilingual version includes the following languages:

  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • French
  • German
  • German (Schweizer)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Users of the Multilingual version, please note that due to some security changes required and the absence of certain localization teams, the sheets that appear when interacting with the Keychain may appear in English rather than your preferred language. If your language is one of those affected, you might wish to get in contact with the Camino Localization Project to see how you can help revive the Camino localization in your language.


Camino & 1Passwd

Posted on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 12:00pm PDT by Samuel Sidler

Since the release of Camino 1.5, we’ve been getting numerous reports of Camino crashing when first run or of not running at all. We’ve identified this, previously, as an issue with the 1Passwd password manager and autofill application, which is installed as an input manager for Camino.

When we first noticed the issue, we contacted 1Passwd and they pushed out a fix, however, it seems that some users haven’t upgraded to the latest supported version of 1Passwd.

If you’re seeing crashes on start-up and use 1Passwd, please upgrade to the latest version of that product.

Note: If you’re seeing crashes or other problems with Camino, it’s always good practice to remove any add-ons or input managers you might have installed and ensure that the issue is actually with Camino and not with an add-on.


Camino 1.5 Released!

Posted on Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 10:00am PDT by Samuel Sidler

After fifteen months of hard work, the Camino Project is pleased to announce the release of Camino 1.5, a substantial update to the popular Camino 1.0 web browser.

Based on Mozilla’s Gecko 1.8.1 rendering engine, Camino 1.5 includes some brand-new, exciting features to make surfing the web even easier.

Of our new features, some of the more exciting ones are built-in spell-checking in all text fields (utilizing the system spell-checker), feed detection and hand-off, session saving, and improvements to our tabbed browsing implementation. Check out our features page and release notes for more information.

Camino 1.5 is being released in 14 different languages, including all of those listed below:

  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

As always, you can download Camino 1.5 (or the multilingual version) from our website. Camino 1.5 is available for users of Mac OS X 10.3 or later.

We hope you enjoy this release!


Camino 1.0.4 Released

Posted on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 10:00am PDT by Samuel Sidler

Camino 1.0.4 contains various security and stability updates to Camino 1.0.3. All users should upgrade.

In addition, Camino 1.0.4 is being released in several other localizations and languages, listed below:

  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • French
  • German
  • German (Schweizer)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazillian)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish (Castellano)
  • Swedish

Download Camino 1.0.4 English now or the multilingual version.

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