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Using Tabbed Browsing

Tabs are a browser’s best friend.

Using Tabbed Browsing


What is tabbed browsing?

Tabbed browsing lets you open more than one web page in a single window. Each web page displays in its own tab. You can see a list of the pages open in a window in the row of tabs along the top of the browser area. Simply click the appropriate tab to view that page.Tabbed Browsing

How do I open a new blank tab?

New tab toolbar icon From the File menu, choose New Tab or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘T. Alternatively, you can add a New Tab button to the main toolbar. To do this, follow instructions in the Setting Up Camino documentation.

How do I close a tab?

Close tab toolbar icon From the File menu, choose Close Tab, use the keyboard shortcut ⌘W, or add the Close Tab button to your toolbar using the instructions in the question above.

Note that when a window has multiple tabs open, ⌘W closes the tab, rather than the window. To close a window with multiple tabs in it, use ⌘⇧W. There is also a close button on each tab.

In addition, there are various items in the tab context menu (ctrl-click or right-click on a tab) for making and closing tabs.

Hold down the ctrl key and click on the link (If you have a two-button mouse, you can right-click the link). From the context menu, choose Open Link in New Tab.

If you customize your tabbed browsing preferences (see below), you can make -clicking a link open it in a new tab.

How do I customize tabbed browsing?

There are several ways to customize tabbed browsing. Open the Preferences window (from the Camino application menu) and click on the Tabs icon.

You can set the following preferences:

  • Whether -clicking a link loads the page in a new window or tab (beginning in Camino 2, this defaults to tabs).
  • Whether links from other applications open new windows or new tabs in the current window (beginning in Camino 2.1, this defaults to tabs).
  • Whether links that would otherwise open new windows should instead open in new tabs in the current window.
  • Whether new tabs should load in the background or come to the front.
  • Whether the tab bar is always visible, even when only one tab is open, or disappears when only one tab open.

What is “tab jumpback”?

Tab jumpback is an easy way to open a link from one tab (for example, a link to a stock quote in an article about a company) in a new tab and then return to the original tab when you are finished reading the content of the new tab.

Tab jumpback operates when opening a new foreground tab

  • by -clicking on a link,
  • by using the Open in New Tab context menu item on a link, or
  • when Camino is set to open links that would otherwise open new window in new tabs instead,
  • and only if you have not changed tabs before closing the tab you opened using one of the three methods above.
When opening a link in a new tab using one of these methods and then not changing tabs before closing the new tab, Camino will return to the original tab after you close the new tab.

Can Camino show me all of the tabs in the current window?

Tab Overview toolbar icon Camino 2 introduces a new tab overview feature that shows thumbnail views of all tabs in a current window, somewhat like the Exposé feature in Mac OS X. Choose Tab Overview from the Window menu (or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘⌃T, or add the Tab Overview button to your toolbar using the instructions in the in the Setting Up Camino documentation). Camino now displays thumbnail images of all the tabs in the window. To exit tab overview mode, press space to go to the selected tab, or click on any thumbnail to go to that tab. You can also use the menu item, keyboard shortcut, or toolbar button again to return to the tab that was active before entering tab overview.

How do I have Camino warn me before closing a window full of tabs?

Camino can warn you when you try to close a window that contains multiple tabs. To enable this feature, open the Preferences window (from the Camino application menu) and click on the General icon. Check the box next to Closing windows or quitting with multiple pages open, and Camino will display a warning sheet the next time you try to close a window that contains multiple tabs.

How do I move between tabs?

Moving between tabs is as easy as clicking on the tab you wish to view. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs.

  • To move to the next tab, press ⌘⌥→
  • To move back to the previous tab, press ⌘⌥←

If your tab bar is full, you can use the arrow buttons that appear on the left and right sides of the bar to scroll the tab bar and show different tabs. Clicking one of the buttons will scroll the bar by one tab, and -clicking a button will scroll the bar by a full window worth of tabs. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel or trackpad that supports scrolling, you can also use it to scroll over the tab bar. When the tab for the page you want to view is visible in the tab bar, click on it to show the page.

In addition, an “all tabs” button will appear on the far right side of the tab bar when you have more tabs than can fit in a single window. Click the button to see a list of all of your tabs and then choose whichever one you want to view. You can also use Tab Overview to select a new tab.

Can I rearrange tabs?

Tab DraggingYou can change the order in which tabs appear in the tab bar by clicking on a tab and dragging it to another position. Click on a part of the tab other than the tab’s close button or site icon, hold down the mouse or trackpad button, and start dragging the tab to the left or right. Other tabs will move out of the way as you drag. When you have moved the tab to the desired position, simply let go of the button.Tab Dragging

Can I drag and drop things in tabs?

Of course! You can drag to and from the tabs themselves, and between tabs and bookmarks, and the location bar.

  • To load a link on a page in another existing tab, drag the link to the tab.
  • To load a link in a new tab, drag the link onto the empty space on the tab bar to the right of the tabs or (if your tab bar is full) onto the overflow menu.
  • To drag the URL for the page that’s loaded in a tab to a second tab, into bookmarks, or the Finder, click and drag the little icon next to the tab title.
  • To load a bookmark in a tab, drag the bookmark (from the Bookmarks Manager or from the Bookmark Bar) and drop it onto the tab.
  • You can also drag the URL for the current page by clicking on the little icon next to the location bar. You can drag this onto a tab, into the bookmarks, or to the Finder.

What is a tab group?

A tab group is a collection of web pages that you want to open together in a set of tabs. Instead of opening up each page in a new tab, one-by-one, a tab group gives you one-click loading of all the pages. The “Tech News” item on Camino’s Bookmark Bar is an example of a tab group (if you first started using an older version of Camino, the “Mac News Tabs” item on the Bookmark Bar is a tab group).

There are several ways to create a new tab group:

  • To save your current set of tabs as a tab group, load the pages you want to include in your tab group in a set of tabs. Then choose Bookmark Current Tabs as Tab Group… from the Bookmarks menu (or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘⌥K) and click the OK button to create a tab group. The name Camino suggests for the tab group contains the number of tabs that will be present in the group and the name of the current tab, but you can edit this before saving the tab group. If you want to add a tab group quickly, in the default location and without renaming it, hold down while selecting the menu item or using the keyboard shortcut. (See our Documentation for more information about creating, renaming, and moving bookmarks.)
  • To convert an existing folder of bookmarks to a tab group, open the Bookmarks Manager by choosing Show Bookmark Manager from the Bookmarks menu or by using the keyboard shortcut ⌘B. Select the folder you want to transform into a tab group, ctrl-click and choose Bookmark Info from the context menu (or select the folder and use the keyboard shortcut ⌘I). Then check the box labeled Tab group; your folder is instantly converted into a tab group. (If you later wish to reverse this action, simply un-check the same box.)

Now when you select the tab group from the Bookmarks menu or click the tab group on the Bookmark Bar, all of your tabs will load at once in your current window. The default behavior is to replace any and all tabs currently in the window with the tabs from the tab group; if you want to append (add as new tabs) the tab group to your existing set of tabs, hold down the key when selecting or clicking on your tab group.

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If there are any questions, tutorials, or preferences that would be helpful if they were explained in these pages, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will add them as necessary.